What do you meme ?

Technical sheet:

Number of player:  3 players minimum

Team:  Everyone for her/himself

Recommended age:  Adult only !!

Game time:  Play until you’re hungry, at which point stop playing and order a pizza.


But what do you mean ?

This game is categorized as an ambience adult game. The goal of the game is to create the most funny meme to win the round.
The rules are really simple, each turn one player picks a random picture and other players choose a text that best describe this picture. Then, the first player mixes the text cards, reads them and chooses the one that best describes the picture.
Personally I have never played this game but I will try as soon as possible with an adapted version. You just need some original pictures of you and your friends. Each turn you have to invent your own sentence to describe the picture.
Let’s play together, here is the picture :
Share your best meme idea in comment and like the one you prefer!

9 commentaires sur “What do you meme ?

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  1. « Couch, I love you! I know you understand me! »

    I know an other game which is very similar. It’s an ambience adult game nammed « Blanc Manger Coco ». The goal of the game is to create the most funny sentence to win the round. Each turn one player picks a random card (which contain a sentence with a blank at the and) and the others choose a text that best fit the sentence with the blank. Then, the first player mixes the text cards, reads them and chooses the funniest.
    Maybe you know this game ?!


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