
Technical sheet:

Number of player: 2 to 8 players

Team: Two teams

Recommended age: 14 years old

Game time: less than 30 minutes

What is the game Codenames ?

Codenames is an idea association game. Two teams play against each other, to win a team have to be the first to find the code name of all their informants. Be careful, if you make a mistake you could fall on an adverse agent or even worse… the dangerous assassin !

There is 25 code names on the table, only one person per team knows the identity of the people hiding under each name. These are the spies.


In turn, each spy can communicate to his team a word and the number of code name they can find. Obviously, the word can’t be one of the code name or an homophone.

Once on your choice you tell your spy which code name you choose. If you choose well, it’s good for you and the code name will be covered with the color of your team. If not, the code name will be covered by the grey color, the color of the adverse team or the black color. Unfortunatly, discovered the black card isn’t good for your team, you will be killed by the dangerous assasin !

8 commentaires sur “Codenames

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  1. Hi Hoakle, I share your passion for boardgames and have tried and loved this one.
    Did you ever tried the two player version? I didn’t and don’t know if it’s worth buying.
    Thanks in advance!


    1. Hi Madonofe, I never tried the 2 player version but I saw people on the internet who said it is a good game for 2 player !
      Thank you for your comment, maybe the next game will be a two player game !


  2. Hello,

    I have just play this game this week for the first time and it was fun.
    Even if the first team that starts playing has one more word to guess, I have noticed that it seems to be easier for this team to win than for the other team which plays second.
    If you have played more often, do you think it is true, and do you prefer play first ?


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